Access to Volunteering Programme 2010/11
The second phase of the programme ran successfully and involved 5 disabled people, who develop new skills in becoming coaches. This was acheived through them volunteering for training and coaching opportunities. The club is now looking to utilise these volunteers and look to further developing their skills in order for them to gain paid coaching opportunities.
Access to Volunteering Programme
A programme was organised for the club to attract more disabled volunteers. A total of five disabled people took part in the programme with a view to providing them with the skills to become sports coaches.
A second phase will focus on providing disabled volunteers with mentoring from experienced coaches.
Multisports – Disabled young people programme 2009
The club worked in partnership with the Maa Bacha Group to provide multisports activities for young disabled people from a minority ethnic heritage.
The activities were held at Moor Park high school.
Multisports – Girls Programme 2009
Multisports sessions were organised for girls aged 8-16 yrs at both Moor Park high school and Deepdale school during 2009.
These have proved popular following a slow start, with the summer programme attracting over fifteen girls.
Keep Fit Sessions 2008
The club linked up with Ashdale Community Centre to organise Fitness Sessions for older people
Hand Volleyball 2008
The club supported players again in playing this South Asian variety of volleyball. Over 15 adults took part.
Easter Multisports Programme 2007
A mixture of different sports were offered to young people aged 8-11 at Deepdale Junior School. Over twenty young people attended these sessions. Trips to Blackburn Skating Arena and Ski Rossendale to offer young people new experiences.
Hand Volleyball 2006
The club has supported sessions for ‘Hand volleyball’ at West View sports centre. The game which has its roots in the South Asian continent is popular with older members of the South Asian community. Thirteen players took part in the sessions.
Summer Sports Programme 2006
The club staged the biggest summer sports programme in its history. This included several multi-sport activities for young people and women/girls.
Learn to Swim Programme 2005
Through support from Preston Community Chest, swimming teaching was offered to young people aged 6-8 yrs old. The sessions were coached by Aquability.